Sunday 8 June 2014


So, you wanna get into metal, you heard some songs and you love them. But how can You find more? In older times it was a serious issue, now with the Internet everything is so simple that we don't even bother learning anymore. Nevermind, I'm gonna provide You with a few ways to discover more metal music, some are obvious, some are even more than obvious, but maybe You will find out something You haven't before.

Most obvious place to discover music is Youtube, place where musician lose the most money and you assholes upload their music for free. I fucking despise every music uploader on Youtube, but that's a subject for another rant. It's out there, poorly tagged but you can find there things  that You love but don't know about yet. , spotify and other sites like that are another example, they provide some music for free and suggest a similar bands to those you like, I like the idea but myself I don't use it.

music magazines are quite an interesting idea but they don't work in Poland- music critics are fucking narrow-minded and full of hatred, they won't resist shitting on a good band just because they didn't like a single song. But if you read some magazines and you like them then it's a great way to discover more music- just don't take their opinions too seriously, I did with Children of Bodom last album and I regret buying it :P

radio- maybe in some countries, I had no good experience with it so don't bother, they don't care about exploring music, they just wanna bring more audience and make more money as radio these days is slowly dying.

and now I will give out some of my favourite ways of discovering music.

Depending on more experienced, open-minded and intelligent people - As we all know I am a short-fused idiot, so I depend on some others to find a good music and convince me enough to check it out. One reviewer has my total attention in this manner, Cover Killer Nation , also know personally as Mark Layne Horvath. This guy's face never shuts up, he keeps making videos about new releases, important matters in metal music and also touches some other genres. While he rages here and there and hates some bands he keeps his mind open and usually gives a good point. Also, he has some talent in great speeches and you can just feel his passion towards music. He works in a music store, and so I couldn't resist but to make this meme about him :P

one of the most popular metal reviewers is Infidel Amsterdam , or Ed Veter. He talks mostly about Death Metal and is known for promoting bands on a way bigger scale than CKN (he has like 5 times more subscribers), but he doesn't make nearly as many videos as CKN. Still, he is very open-minded and doesn't judge bands or fans, at least he really tries to be as calm about the subject as he can :) not like CKN who rages over Taylor Swift and other poor artists :P

There are probably plenty of people worth listening to (me included xD ) but these 2 are the only one I have a great load of respect for :)

Live shows

Many bands support the live shows of artists that you like so attend to as many gigs as you can and you are bound to find a music you love. I found out my favourite band by going to my previous favourite band gig and it's probably one of the oldest methods of discovering new metal music :) also my personal favourite.


Well, if you like some people that are worthy of being called your friends it means they have something inside them that keeps them arround you, right? I've discovered some wonderful music by listening to my friends, and I always show my appreciation and gratitude for it. For some reasons I feel much better talking about music with girls rather than boys, I guess it's more simple for girls to approach music much more emotionally and with passion than male fucks. Still, I have some male friends, mostly musicians, who can be a great source of awesome music :)


Also I find chicks digging metal really hot. There, I said it.

and my personal, radical, random cd pickups

yea, it happens a few times per year, I pick a random artist that interested me in a music store, be it because of the cd price, great cover art, interesting/funny band name or some other reasons. Usually I have no idea how does the music sound like, I rarely even figure out the genre. This way I discovered Norther or Powerwolf, so in the end it was totally worth it. I will keep doing it, because spending money on music is never a waste for me :) well, ok, Children of Boredom, I know. Need to burn that cd. And no, not with ashampoo burning studio. More like gasoline, matches. Fire of hell perhaps. Who knows.

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