Monday 2 June 2014

Feel what I feel?

This is about a situation I had a few months ago, when I lost my passion towards music.

Ok, I had a problem. I found a song that was very confusing to me, I didn't know if I should like it or hate it. It made me wonder, think, I had to listen to it a lot to make it clear. And then it came to me. It doesn't matter if I like it or not- a simple song made me alive again, made me interested in what I was hearing, refreshed my passion towards music and made me the person I was before. It is amazing, it was fascinating and overall I can't thank Gotthard enough for recording the song. I don't like their other songs, I never really bothered with the band,

The song is a pop-not-even-metal song, more like a rock song. It has a "sexy dude with a sexy voice" so it's clearly made for fangirls. Aand it's about love. This is a part that tells me to hate the song, my inner metal viking, bringer of destrucion, fire and marshmallows.


I can't just help thinking that it's a very well made song. From the beginning to the end there is nothing wrong with it, everything fits the rest perfectly. It doesn't have some over the top skilled musicians but they deliver an instrumental masterpiece, where every guitar riff and drum blast is connected to fit a bigger picture. And for vocals- guy has a great sense of keeping his voice as interesting as it is and the lyrics are perfectly written, even though the idea is a bit flat the chorus isn't "i love you, love me please, i will keep you safe, yeyeye" but "say that it's fate, say that it's real, say I'm a dream and that You feel what I feel. Don't say I'm sleeping, don't let it end, don't wake me up, I'll never find you again" . I don't know, maybe I listen to Babymetal too much but for me it's a perfect chorus for a love song (OK, INSOMNIUM IS WAY BETTER IN REVELATION, I'M SORRY MY INNER VIKING, ODIN SHALL PUNISH THE VERY FUNDAMENTS OF MY EXISTENCE!)

ahem.. so yeah, Feel What I Feel. From Gotthard... A nice, strange music video. Also. Huh.

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