Monday 6 February 2017

Dragon Ball Super fucking sucks

Yes, we've all seen (dziękuję że mi pokazałaś Madziu) the first episodes with shitty animation, but it's not the point of this post.

The anime is full of inconsistency, bad filler with some copy-vegeta, bad ideas like *10 Kaioken Super Saiyan God (IT ONLY HAS A 10% CHANCE OF WORKING!) and lets stop here for a moment.

Super Saiyan God was supposed to be around 60% of Beerus full power. Beerus is still surprised during the fight by this transformation. Also the red aura symbolizes strength.

Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan is supposed to be stronger than that (cannon), yet all the characters act like Beerus is way stronger. Blue aura often symbolizes weakness, but also control

In my opinion Super Saiyan God can be stronger than SSGSS, or Super Saiyan Blue, but it's shaky, hard to control, Blue is a superior form that can get a serious level of control over that godly power.

All was well in the manga, but anime HAD to introduce Kaioken *10 Super Saiyan Blue. Ten times what? WHAT?  Even if Super Saiyan Blue was 60% of Beerus, times ten would be 600% of Beerus power. yet Beerus is only slightly startled by this form.

Better start making fucking sense.

But as I said- manga played it smart and I enjoyed it a lot. Until today. New chapter of manga introduces us to Future Zamasu and Goku Black, so basically another Zamasu that stole Goku's body.
Focusing on Goku Black now.

Goku Black is strong, SSj2 Trunks is nothing when compared to him, and he is stronger than SSj3 Goku (normal one). SSj2 Vegeta is slightly above SSj2 Goku Black (he is stronger than before, as noted by Trunks), and then goes Blue to finish off Goku Black.

In my opinion Super Saiyan Blue is over 9 times stronger than SSj2, and I think it's a fair number at this point.

Future Zamasu saves Black from near death, and what happens?

Super Saiyan 2 Goku Black is mopping the floor with Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta.

Their explanation? Saiyan that survived a near death experience gets much stronger. Last time we heard about that, called Zenkai, was in Frieza Saga. And it was mostly a plot device for Saiyans to go on par with Frieza's men, after Super Saiyan was introduced Zenkai was not needed, and even if I still think it's working, then not on that fucking scale.

Goku Black has Goku's body, a body that received many zenkai boosts before it was stolen, no fucking way I'll accept a sudden power boost like that and fucking God Vegeta getting wasted by SSj 2.

And then what happens? He goes Super Saiyan Rose, considered his version of Blue. No training needed, just "add more power to get unlock even more power". So what, he is now like 9 times stronger than Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta? Yea, right.

I stopped caring, this post is the last post related to Dragon Ball Super. Dragon Ball GT makes much more sense than this shit. A big fuck you to all people working on Dragon Ball Super.

Seriously, someone remind me what was the biggest bullshit in Dragon Ball GT? Kid Goku going adult when Super Saiyan 4 and? Because this is somewhat easier to swallow than Dragon Ball Super.