Wednesday 2 September 2015

Whispered Shogunate Macabre review

didn't expect to see me again, did You?

They rose from the night, shouldn't ever been born

Well, I'm glad as hell that this band was born, and returned with another album, sadly without a keyboard player and 2 different guys on bass and drums. But hey, Pyrypekka is still there.
It's a name, really.
It took them 4 years to return with a new material, with smaller band and shorter running time? I bet this album's gonna suck, let's see..

Jikininki? Probably another instrumental intro track to stretch the running ti-*BAM BAM PARAM BAM BAM*
huh? wha-*crazy guitar sound*
oh, so, as I was saying th-*pure music madness*
Heh, nice try, but I still have my an-*bass solo*
Well, there goes my anal virginity ;_;

Yeah, samurai are back with way more extreme approach to metal than before, vocals are also way better, less saliva driven and more pure fucking devil shinigami. Jikininki as a song name may sound silly, but everyone who met me in a line to KFC knows there's nothing funny about it.

Second track, Hold the Sword has a way lighter intro and, as a whole album, has way more japanese folk elements than the debut album.
As with 1000 swords it's mostly about some legendary warrior, but the chorus is basically the best and most catchy chorus the band made to this point (except for Sakura Omen), too bad it's only repeated once.

Fallen Amaterasu is NOT about a guy that fell on a mattress and can't get up, instead it's about some goddess of sun. Didn't know Svarog had a sex change once, but who am I to question Gods? Actually the only track on this record I dislike, guitar during "fallen" in the chorus annoys me, even after many listens the track seems a bit inconsistent to me. But I'm just a pawn trying to question the way of the samurai, if they follow Bushido then I can skip that one song and go to

the man once strong, feared and bold, now just tired, weak and old

One Man's Burden, which starts with a growl not even close to the marvelous Tombstone Crusher scream, but
As many Whispered tracks, the song has a very solid lyrics, and my personal favourite from this album, about a murderer struggling with his burden. When I read the lyrics I thought it will be a slower tempo song with a heavy mood- they turned it into a headbanging choir mid-tempo song but surprisingly it works pretty damn well, especially the fast killer riff during the verses. Also some solid bass is heard, way more than on the first album- me gusta.

for every victim of his blade, for every selfish act of hate

I first saw that monster while being a kid and reading some Donald Duck comic. I'm older now but still scared of Kappa after listening to this track. The worst is the festive approach and extremely harsh vocals. This song is a damn mood swing and I love it, especially the blues elements after the scary chorus. This band clearly has too much fun making music.

Savaging the last of the women,
crunching remains of the men
Ripping remaining pieces of their flesh
leaving living ones choking in their own blood

Sounds almost like my song about Easter Bunny, coming April 2016 if the heavens bless me.

Lady of the Wind, ah yes, they left the best for the last. From the climatic intro, straight to whispers and vocals wrapped in a velvet-like instrumentals, female choirs and diving into a beautiful riff guiding the chorus through the vile powers of the Lady of the Wind. And when you think they can't get it any better we dive into various guitar solos with a juicy bass and guy fullfilling revenge on his drum kit. I won't spoil the ending, experience it yourself.

Phew, they can't get any better than-*crazy guitar solo* oh come on, not aga-*Whispered screams at me ;_;*please be gentle senpai..
Unrestrained (like my sex drive) is a crazy 3 minute long song that is a slap in the face of Kalmah when it comes to crazy fast, overpacked with solos catchy melodic death metal songs. So basically my favourite track on the record by default, nothing more to add, except for more lube to my ass.

Upon My Honor is yet another outro track, way shorter than Blade in the Snow, with a slightly stretched intro evolving into a catchy riff and remains of the drumset being desecrated. Lots and lots of japanese folk stuff here. After giving it some thought there's a lot of everything here. Sorry, I think earlier music rape fucked me silly, I even started hearing the same old voice in my head I heard the last time I reviewed Whispered outro track. I go rest now.

Damn I walk funny now.

Well it's obvious Whispered evolved after 1000 Swords, the direction they took got a lot of positive appeal. Everything is more polished, mature and complex, at no point you can say that tracks sound similar. While myself I prefer 1000 Swords because of slightly lighter approach, keyboards and less diverse tracks I must say that Shogunate Macabre is superior to the great debut, which of course got them a place in my top 13 bands. Way to go guys, you have a fan in me.


vocals: 10-/10
guitars: 10/10
bass:    10=/10
drums: 10-/10

++lots of japanese folk elements
++fucking lyrics, even better than on the debut
-brutal anal rape to the reviewer
++I secretly liked it

Final score: 110% 

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