Monday 17 November 2014


Every guy who says that music, metal music or whatever ended on a band x/before 2000/again whatever is a fucking idiot. And his dick is small. Aaaand he probably smells bad too. Plus his house is ugly. Who picked this color?
Anyway, my point is that sometimes a new band pops out, out of nowhere, and destroys the system, amazes us with a new approach at music and goes big. For me it was Pathfinder or Babymetal, even Alestorm back in the day was a great surprise with a fresh idea. Those bands usually have a big problem with follow ups, people are so amazed by their first album that they usually start hating on the next one even if it's as good as the first one or better than any work by similar artist.

But there is a case when a band after their first success decides to release a crap

( I know it's from their third album, not the second one, whatever)

. Thus hereby I shall call them Crapus from this day now. Don't get me wrong, they were never big, but it was a surprisingly fresh approach in 2011-2012 to folk music with metalcorish vocals and nice clean ones. Songs were pretty complex (mostly catchy songs so never like Wintersun-complex) and their fanbase was nice and strong.
But it seems our italian friends were not happy with this. As b0ss Franku says:

So they decided to water down the folk part of their music to, I have no idea actually, attract more teenage girls for their small italian dicks? Their second release was quite bad but still passable "now with 50% less folk! and 100% more crap" and the new one is just terrible. I like how they brag that they released it without any label help. My guess is that no label wanted to be partially resposible for this :P Anyway, the fans are pissed off and start to leave while bitching a lot. I was never a fan but bitching a lot is what I do so thanks Crapus for getting me material to write about :P

Do I hate this song? No. It's poppy, I like(d) pop. Shines like an emerald like rainbow in the sky, whatever. But compare the views of their first album music video on yt and views of their new works. Math is hard, I know

I should stop bitching for now, they are not worth my time. So why do I give a shit? Because like with every band that goes the wrong direction (cough, cough, Sonata, cough) I STILL HAVE HOPE

Ok, enough with the pics for now :P

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