Monday, 17 August 2015

Whispered Lazyed Reviewed Parted Oned- Thousand Swordz

First some Dragon Ball, then some D&D and then a nice evening seppuku while listening to Whispered

I don't know at which moment in life you wake up thinking "I know what the world needs. The world needs a samurai melodic death metal sung in English. And I will deliver it" but I bet this moment must be pretty awesome. Or maybe in Finland something like this is normal. Anyway, it happened, and the music was created.
The story would probably end here if not for overly obsessive musicians, forever in a race with other obsessive musicians to create even more absurdly good melodic death. Kalmah, Norther, Ensiferum, Omnium Gatherum, Swallow The Sun, Wintersun, Insomnium- the competition in Finland is strong, so strange gimmick ideas like that samurai crap can be a key to success. The true winners are us, listeners, who get to witness something new every now and then.

Whispered, because that's the band name, is hungered for famed, so they delivered meloded deathed metaled in japaned climated. kill me

2 albums so far, third on the way, single is out and its delicious

Lets review what we have already out, shall me? me shall, I hope it will be shorter than my normal reviews, as my lame jokes and comments are very tiring on the long run (all my ex gfs agree on that one).

Oh, the band had a lot of lineup changes, and I'm too lazy to check who played where on which record, forgive me. The only major thing that changed is the absence of keys on the second album, me sad.

Thousand Swords debut starts with Hajimari, and I won't translate any Japanese to English because I suck. Typical intro track, instrumental, I suck at reviewing instrumentals (in particular to general sucking at reviews) so no comment here, skip!
To Thousand Swords. Choirs at the beginning show that we are in for a ride through great guitar riffs fighting with synths, even some bass is heard! When vocals enter with first guitar solo you are allowed to fall in love. But vocals are quite saliva driven, it's hard to understand the lyrics through the whole album. And it's a real shame, lyrics are a very strong part of this band.

The band on the disc is clearly extremely talented so it has a lot of progressive elements here and there to keep them from falling asleep. But it's an easier listen than Persefone, songs are built rather solid and except for chosen few the style is still melodic death metal, not some prog melodeath and such. Chorus in 1000 knives has some epic choirs and the song is mostly about some devilish warrior looking for a challenge in fighting 1000 swords to tell if he's weaker than some random_human or if he's above the gods.

As I said, lyrics are strong, even if I find some voice of a wiseman telling a story pretty annoying the vocals still make up for it. At least in this, the last song on the album- Blade in the Snow- is an example of a too long epic song, that starts yarround 3rd minute and it's great for 2 minutes when the annoying voice returns and shows here and there through the song. The main riff though is what you want to hear everytime you ride a horse into a battle, so basically every Tuesday afternoon for me.

Between those two we have the main juice- few fast songs with one slow in the middle (Dead Cold Inside), medium fast hit song Blindfold (from the music video), great lyrics, much meaning, such samurai, wow. Solos are solid in every song, but the riffs are where the guitars shine the most,  and Fear Never Within must be the most progressive of the bunch, after many listens it still surprises me with some elements. Blindfold is your choice if ya want to show the band to someone. Also, keys. Oh, keyboards are just wonderful, like a Kalmah with even more power. I didn't do the review song by song because recently I'm not in a mood for writing- I forced myself because they renewed my inner flame of passion towards music and I feel like I own them something in return.


Vocals:    8/10
Guitars: 10-/10
Bass:      9/10
Keys:     10/10
Drums:    10=/10

+synths, orchestrations, background
+weird idea but almost flawless in execution
+lyrics, oh those lyrics
+good song placement on the album, rare thing
+nice running time, artwork, booklet, it's worth your money
+ I never skip thanks: "if we forgot you, please be offended, punish us by buying us a beer and paying our rent, we hate it" - seriously, truly a band for me.
- some annoying voice in my head, telling me that earth, mountains, rivers are hidden in the nothingness, and in the nothingness they are revealed- no shit sherlock
- another annoying voice in my head (I have a bunch of these on a daily basis) telling me that samurai are just as ninjas and should be slain with a bottle of rum and a yo ho ho! #pirate4lyfe

Final score: 100,5% - fav track still Dead Cold Inside, but I will post Blindfold under

whoops, pirates pirated my review D:

PS: I wanted to review both of them at once but only one arrived for now, so I will do it in 2 parts, third will arrive with their third album.

PPS: I'm not making fun of Finnish guys singing in English about a Japanese culture. I myself am an emperor penguin from Canada living in Poland reviewing in English an album of a Finnish group making japanese-influenced music sung in English. What a beautiful world we live in.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

(request) Stratovarius "Shine in the Dark" track review

Usually I don't like vandalism but Stratovarius blew my mind (and a toilet)

These are rare, right? Requests. I almost forgot I take them. Stratovarius next album Ephemeral Toilet Eternal is coming out soon, so they released a lyric video track for Shine in the Dark track.

Lemme grab my inner asshole and review it. The video is mostly Kotipelto with his headphones, looking sad because I still didn't hug him (coming soon with pictures maybe) so I will focus on lyrics and the music. 
Intro is very solid and heavy but soon fades away and.. well, that song is surprisingly cheesy for Stratovarius. Actually sounds like I Will Build You A Rome with slower tempo. Stratovarius with old Sonata Arctica? Well, I like it. There are some very slight progressive elements, mostly with the song structure. By comparing to mentioned above CO song it's more progressive in the beginning but later follows the pattern,, CO one shows progress after second chorus and solos. 

Well I won't hide that I expected something different, but I'm not disappointed or shocked. Maybe only a bit worried that they took that soft turn, but I'm rather sure I will like the full album as last 3 ones. 

It's a soft song so I won't expect mind-blowing solos, but I'm not fully satisfied with the keyboards. Guitars however are riffing almost through the whole song with a lot of diversity, so 10/10 here.

The worst in this song is mixing- guitars and drums are pushed way too much in the background, r.i.p. bass and choirs are too loud

I never speak about You
Never say Your name

It's not that I don't care
It's just that I'm not there

The lyrics however are daamn, cheesy yet with great meaning. I won't post them whole, but they match the Cain's Offering ones, truly beautiful and cheesy, yet with Kotipelto on vocals it's 11/10. His sad&powerful voice fits those strong&sad lyrics perfectly. 

Final score

Vocals: 11/10
Guitars: 10/10
Keys: 8/10
Drums: 7/10
Bass: toilet/10 (get it? BECAUSE IT BLOWS! HACHAHACHA! kill me)

+nice structure

Summary: 95%. I like it, solid, just don't have another 3 similar songs on Eternal 

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Welcome Whispered to my top 13

the artist died quickly after so nothing more epic could be made

Yea I won't wait another year to say that, in short Sonata bye bye and hi Whispered. A few months ago I was starting to dig Whispered with a thought "oh well, Norther ain't no more, lemme listen to that samurai crap as a replacement". Soon enough my thoughts changed into "man, I think those guys are a bit more serious about their music than I thought". A month ago they started rivaling my dear Kalmah on the way to the top and I had to take an Insomnium-Omnium Gatherum-Swallow The Sun break for a while. After coming back and seeing the demo/single of my favourite song of theirs I just don't care anymore, those guys are totally deserving to be my rear guard of the list.

Like the last man in the night,
holding the front alone, and the
Shall be no more if the one's prepared
to hold the sword
Hold the sword!

Not the best example of their lyrics but in short- Whispered is a Melodic Death Metal band with a lot of japanese folk elements and very solid progressive elements. Lyrics match those of Insomnium while the sound is heavier, harsher and more extreme. Between the releases (3rd album on the way) the line-up changed drastically but the sound improved a lot, the vocalist did a great job polishing his growls into less saliva-driven ones. Solos are amazing like the Kalmah ones, both albums are great in their field (second one has more folk elements, no keys and more hardcore drums) and the third is gonna be something more, as they showed with Sakura Omen song. Also the music they are making gave me a plenty of ideas to my Dungeons & Dragons sessions in Rokugan and inspired me to write better lyrics. Should I mention reviving my passion to music? Yea, I probably should. Whispered saved my dying flame of passion towards music, and I just can't thank them enough for that.

the rivers stay still
Nor light or dark
from the nothingness

My sword aims for the kill
dancing like a petal in storm
cutting through blight

Sakura slowly fall from the sky
glowing faint dark light

So, my updated list of favourite bands looks like that now:
0. Titanium
1. Delain
2. Trollfest
3.  Pathfinder
4. Babymetal
5. Omnium Gatherum
6. Cain's Offering
7. Galneryus
8. Stratovarius
9. Insomnium
10. Alestorm
11. Wintersun
12. Whispered

And as a bonus free nightmare fuel for everyone, stolen from one of their music videos:

Favourite track as well:

the single/demo version, not the polished album one, both rock

In my heart I've sheltered everything I need
To walk through this blood rain, even if it's me who bleeds

No wasted years behind - this war could never be over
Being still alive makes me feel dead cold inside