One of my 2 music gurus is having the worst time in his life again, his 6-year long relationship broke. While I can't say I know all the details I must say I know Ed a little bit after all those damn years, and every person who watches his videos can clearly see that he's an open-minded metalhead with a lot of respect towards girls and people in general.
I, as a blogger, youtuber, artist, comedian and a human being want to send all best wishes to my distant friend in need. Take as much time as You need to recover and maybe surround Yourself with friends to deal with all the future shit connected to this event. If You want me to come to Amsterdam, meet in person for the first time and have a beer then let me know, I can squeeze one extra weekend abroad on my vacation plan. I got to know so many wonderful bands thanks to Your videos and that's the least I can do to return the favor.
Peace out
Metal is our only love
it doesn't punish
it doesn't judge
it's always there for us
in the times of need