Friday, 27 February 2015

INTO THA FUTURE #1: Cain's Offering

Another series that will end after post nr 1 :D

Cain's Offering. Probably one of the best power metal supergroups ever (next to Pathfinder when we consider that every member of Pathfinder has a project of his own). Created before 2009 by Jani Liimatainen, ex guitarist of Sonata Arctica (the most important band in my life and my biggest disappointment at the moment) and some other band that I don't care about. His first album, Gather The Faithful scored pure 100% in my old review, the only album that ever made it. Not a single song from it was bad or mediocre, bass, vocals, drums, keys and guitars were just flawless, lyrics, melodies, progressive elements, unreleased material, nothing was bad, even the price of the album wasn't very high.

And now second album is due to release in May, I guess. Japanese people (shout out to the best power metal audience in the world) will get it first on 29 April. Probably the rest of the world will follow soon after. Tour is very unlikely as it's a supergroup but fingers crossed.

Buy this shit when it's out. A taste of their power from previous album

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Fav bands: Trollfest

I reminded myself how awesome this band is so naturally a good material for one of my shitty blog posts :)

I am a Trollfest fan since 2008-2009 , I think I heard Essenfest right before Villanden was released and I fell in love with a small group of usually drunk norvegians that were playing Finntroll-ish music when having fun together. It was fun to observe how this small silly band had become one of the fan favourite bands in extreme folk metal :D Also they have a special room for my heart as they were an introduction band to folk metal for me, Finntroll was the first band I knew of but Trollfest really made me dig their music.

Also it was the most extreme band I've listened to for a long time, I was unable to tolerate those vocals (the rest was very extreme to me as well) when being sober so naturally Trollfest was my chosen music when I was drunk. Now I can sleep to all of their hardest songs.

I have only the best memories when talking about Trollfest, how I met them for the first time, giving Jostein a bottle of Jagermeister and how pleased he was to see that even in Poland they have a fan or two. He got the whole band for me to sign my shit, dedicated a song onstage and made a bow towards me and also wrote something nice on their tour blog, it was worth way more than a stupid bottle of Jeger (in 2012 I gave them two bottles , this they don't remember at all as the whole band was drunk as fuck at this point :D ).

I will see the band live at least 2 more times, and before my fourth live show I will make a Trollfest tattoo to show my appreciation for the last time :) The only band I enjoyed every cd so far (5 fucking albums, only a handful of bands can beat that), the only band that even with their rising popularity still makes music mostly for fun and respects their fans a lot, and a band which has a man I kissed once in the mouth (Manskow <3 )

Stay like that Trolls, You are doing a great job, just keep it up! :D

PS: my favourite song, which is funny because it's very different when compared to their other material. They tried this gregorian shit approach and made one fucking epic toffee turd. Also the intro scalped my face so many times it's so extreme.

Fuck, they are more extreme than this guy

Monday, 2 February 2015



Ok, time to turn off all mental barriers in my brain to review this track...

Oh wait, I never had any.
It's funny.

First thing we can see that the Internet can exterminate brain cells. Literal genocide. But I will focus on the video later, first lets talk about music. The track definitely sounds like Melodic Death Metal, with harsh vocals and rich guitar background. Mixing is done wonderfully, vocals are very well heard and after focusing a bit I can hear drums and guitars with no problem (bass was always a problem for me).

Tempo of this track is very fast, also it's quite brutal for most time. Only solos are lightening the mood a little bit. Solos are a bit lighter than the general guitar riffing along the track. Vocals are, even without checking the vocalist earlier, a bit folk metallish in sound, remind me greatly of Nordheim.

Actually considering how retarded are the lyrics of this track there are way more similarities to Nordheim. Both bands are extreme in sound, have very similar vocals and have funny&retarded lyrics ("Get Drunk or Die Tryin'" anyone?).

In short- the track is about a pig who saw her friends getting slaughtered, and after eating some poisoned food and special blood it became superpig and slaughtered all the mankind.

Sounds about right.
And I hope the future will take this route, if not I will be greatly disappointed.

Ok, now let's focus on the video. First few seconds show that the creator spent a lot of time editing this shit. Really, when it comes to the video alone it's one of the best cut videos I've seen. Also one of the most disturbing videos I've ever seen. No wonder I'm writing this review at the time I should be sleeping, I'm scared to see what my dreams can bring now.

I see Gunsen was inspired by many retarded videos on the Internet, if I never knew that guy I would be calling the paramedics by now because no sane man would ever create this.

Anyway, we have a cartoon horror show with addidional graphics during guest solo and solos + videos from fans showing their fast headbanging + a video showing a vocalist Grzegorz singing and holding a very sad and "verbally abused" cat. After the song ends we get a whole minute of bloopers- a cat meowing sadly to the mic, a fan headbanging while his hens run in the background and Karol recording Jarek Bona headbanging for the video, a nice touch.

Ok, how the hell can I end this review? I still don't think I'm fully aware of what I've witnessed. The track is packed with power, outstanding tempo and rich background, also fits the video in 100% (let me say it again- THE MUSIC FITS THE VIDEO PERFECTLY, even with this tempo and all those sounds mixed). Mixing also is top notch, well done Karol.

Final score

Vocals: 9+/10 (really, really well done)
Guitars: 9/10 (solos were only a tiny bit unfitting, please don't hate me)
Bass: I never heard it so pig/10
Drums: 9-/10


+ awesome guest appeariance
+ fans included with some crazy vids
++ the video alone deserves 2 pluses at least
+its about a super pig
+bloopers are awesome
+I'm throwing another plus for the video
+its about a fucking super pig that slaughtered all mankind

So final score is 113%.

Yes, it's so retarded it broke the score meter

WERSJA POLSKA (zwykle tego nie robię, ale dla Gunsena wszystko)

Dobra, czas wyłączyć wszelkie bariery mentalne w moim mózgu by skutecznie ocenić tę ścieżkę.

Dobrze że nigdy takich nie posiadałem.

Pierwsza rzecz którą widzimy to to, że Internet naprawdę potrafi mordować szare komórki. Dosłownie. Ale skupię się na video później, najpierw muzyka. Kawałek brzmi melodic death metalowo, z typowo drę-ryja growlem i bogatym gitarowym tłem. Mixing tutaj błyszczy i lśni, wokal dobrze słychać a po wsłuchaniu się jestem w stanie usłyszeć całą perkę i gitary bez problemu (basu nigdy nie słyszę, chujowe słuchawki i chujowy recenzent.). Tempo ścieżki jest piekielnie szybkie, a sama jest zajebiście brutalna. Tylko solówki łagodzą trochę klimat i wprowadzają ten melodyjny element piosenki. Sam wokal brzmi, i wyłapałem to bez obczajania skąd Gunsen wziął wokalistę, dość folk metalowo, brzmi prawie identyko do Nordheim'a.

W sumie biorąc pod uwagę jak psychicznie zryty jest tekst piosenki, podobieństwa do Nordheima na tym się nie kończą. Oba zespoły mają ekstremalne brzmienie, podobny w brzmieniu wokal i poryte teksty (tłumacząc singiel Nordheima "Upij się albo zgiń próbując" mówi chyba wszystko.)

W skrócie- kawałek jest o śwince, która widząc rzeź swoich przyjaciół zjadła zatrute jedzenie i wypiła specjalną krew, stając się super świnią która zamordowała całą ludzkość.

Brzmi dość logicznie.
I mam nadzieję że przyszłość potoczy się w tym kierunku.
Jeśli nie to będę bardzo zawiedziony.

Dobra, skupmy się na video. Już pierwsze parę sekund pokazuje że twórca poświęcił sporo czasu na edytowanie tego gówna. Naprawdę, jeżeli chodzi o same video to już jest jednym z najlepiej przyciętych i edytowanych jakie kiedykolwiek widziałem. Jest też jednym z najbardziej kurewsko niepokojących jakie widziałem. Nic dziwnego że piszę tę recenzję o godzinie o której normalnie śpię, boję się jakie obrazy przyniosą teraz sny.

Widać że Gunsen był zainspirowany wieloma dziwacznymi filmikami na youtube. Gdybym nie znał gościa to już dzwoniłbym po karetkę ponieważ żaden normalny człowiek nie stworzyłby takiego video.

W każdym razie mamy horror kreskówkę z paroma wklejonymi obrazami i filmami przedstawiającymi solówki, video od fanów machających głowami i video pokazujące wokalistę Grzegorza śpiewającego i trzymającego bardzo smutnego i cierpiącego kota. Po zakończeniu piosenki mamy około minuty scen dodatkowych- kota smutno miauczącego w mikrofon, fana machającego głową i kury biegające za nim oraz Karola kręcącego Jareczka Bonę naparzającego banią do video, jak uroczo.

Ok, jak zakończyć tę recenzję? Dalej nie jestem pewien co ja tak właściwie widziałem. Ścieżka jest pełna mocy, na pełnej kurwie i z bogatym tłem, a także pasuje do video w stu procentach, każdy dźwięk ma swoje odwzorowanie w obrazie, nawet z tym tempem i tymi wszystkimi dodatkami. Mixing też pierwsza klasa, brawo Karol.

Ostateczna ocena

Wokal: 9+/10 (naprawdę świetna robota)
Gitary: 9/10 (solówki minimalnie nie pasują do reszty, moje zdanie, nie słuchać mnie)
Bas: nie słyszałem więc świnia/10
Perkusja: 9-/10

Dodatkowe plusy i minusy

+gościnny występ Karola
+video od fanów to świetny pomysł
++ conajmniej dwa plusy za pasujące video
+ piosenka jest na temat super świni.
+ dodatki pod koniec są piękne
+ dorzucam trzeciego plusa za video
- minus za męczenie kota! JEST TAKI SMUTNY!
+ to piosenka na temat jebanej super świni która morduje ludzkość

Więc ostateczna ocena to 113%

Tak, piosenka tak zryta że mi rozpieprzyła miernik ocen