Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Toddler kills mother at walmart

"A toddler killed his mother at a Walmart with her own gun, police said. The accidental shooting happened Tuesday morning at a store in Hayden, about 40 miles northeast of Spokane, Washington. Police said the woman was shopping with several children, when her two-year-old son reached into her purse causing her concealed gun to fire. The woman, whose name has not been released, had a concealed weapons permit. Police said both witnesses and store video confirmed the shooting was accidental."

Should I even say something at this point? It's a great way to cheer someone up in Europe "listen, no matter how hard Your day is, at least no one will fucking shoot You to death for something on a daily basis". Is this freedom? 

So, no toy guns because You will get shot by a policeman, no rejecting a guy at school because he will come back with a gun and murder half of a school. Now I guess no vegetables for dinner because Your own kid will murder You. Why did she even carry a gun with her? For protection? That's fucking oscar winning black humor comedy right here. In Europe rarely someone has a gun. We can carry knives, but we don't do that. Usually at least.
 I think.
 I hope.

Sunday, 28 December 2014

repost from facebook

Rarely something I post on facebook is worth keeping but I made a list of favourite people artists there and since it's quite up to date then here we go :D

Favourite male vocalists:
-Timo Kotipelto 
-Jari Maenpaa 
-Primal Alley

Favourite female vocalists:
- Every girl I'm in love with xD
- Every one of my female friends that I don't hit on but I like them
- Charlotte Wessels
- Johanna Kurkela
- a draw between me and Masha Scream

Favourite guitarists:
-a draw between Syu and Jari Maenpaa
- Jani Liimatainen
- Rolka Niama (Karol Mania :P )
- Martin Hamiche
- Jarek Bona (the most sexy one)

Favourite bass players
- Taka
- Jukka Koskinen
- Lauri Porra
- Boh
- Arkadiusz Ruth (sorry Simon, sorry Judas)

Favourite drummers:
- Kai Hahto
- very far from nr 1 is Eirik Renton
- Filip Gruca
- Antti Karihtala
- a draw between Tommy Portimo and Steve Moore

Favoutire keyboardists:
- Jens Johansson
- Mikko Härkin
- Sowa
- Manskow
- a draw between Chris Bowes and Aapo Koivisto


I wonder if I will make this post public or it will join another 3 that I wrote but never published because they were too offensive or just plain boring/racist/stupid. You know, even I have my (low) standards and this blog isn't just a vomit and feces from my brain like the older ones

Anyway, todays topic is piercing.

I fucking hate it.

Thanks for reading, see ya all in 2015! :)

Nah, but seriously, a small piece of metal in the nose or earrings I can tolerate, but anything more is just disgusting to me. And as sexist bastard as I am- I don't care much about men in this area. Maybe it's because I never kiss passionately with men and don't consider starting a relationship with them :P

Just look at this...

I get it, for some people this is pure sex. And I don't mind fancy hair color. But her eyes are fake, shallow and not interesting at all, the amount of makeup on her face is absurd and after one kiss her face would look like the  Joker one (even worse, as we all would kiss Joker if he was still alive) and the piercing is ugly, even though it's small. I bet she can be a very pretty natural girl with no makeup or light one, without lenses or whatever it is that makes her eyes like this and without this metal in her face. But she chooses to be a plastic doll. Oh well.

That's why I always say- Don't wear metal on your face, your heart is where it belongs. I prefer Polish version of course- Metal się nosi w sercu, a nie na ryju.

Thank You for reading! Yes, You. No, not him, he's ugly. Yea, You there, little fella. Stay strong in 2015.

PS. While writing this shit I found this little button down in the corner of the edit page
Isn't it amazing? Why wasn't it there when all 13 yo girls were blogging back in the day? Imagine all that complaining could be done to someone from Blogger, so many internauts would be free from the constant complaining!

PPS: I didn't click it, I don't know what it does actually xD

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

2014 Summary

First thing first: I wasn't able to afford every important record this year so my list of best albums this year are not accurate,
For this moment I don't have a new Alestorm album, new Hammerfall album and a new Skalmold album, my guess is that either Alestorm or Skalmold are the best folk metal album this year (I don't take under consideration albums of Grai, Arkona, Eluveitie or Equilibrium). But I operate with what I have so

Best folk metal album of 2014 goes to Trollfest for Kaptein Kaos. Even though the cd didn't really grew on my like their previous ALL then Ave Maria and title track are really fun to hear over and over again. Not as good as last year's Finntroll, that was something

Best power metal album of 2014 goes to Enceladus, a newcomer. The mixing and production are on a lower level than Dragonforce and both bands delivered some solid material this year. After long listens Enceladus wins, with less catchy songs and worse vocals but better bass and more fresh solos&ideas (DF is too damn repetitive)

Best melodic death metal album of 2014 goes to, of course, Insomnium. Do I even have to say why?

And as I said earlier this year, best album of 2014 is Babymetal. A overpacked with hit songs monster with crazy level mixing and sound quality, sea of ideas that were perfectly used and everything is just FUCKING CATCHY. Great vocals, great live performances of said songs, the only mediocre thing about this band is the album intro but who cares, skip it and enjoy.

In 2014 I saw many bands live, 3 Titanium shows and made some great friends (bro!) and met in person some old ones (Gunsen, Lena, Elodie). Also my dream of seeing Pathfinder came true.
Sadly the personal stuff went to hell, I thought 2013 was the worst year in this case but it wasn't even close. People died, others treated me like shit, left me and I was an asshole sometimes as well. Not really sure what to do now.

Monday, 17 November 2014


Every guy who says that music, metal music or whatever ended on a band x/before 2000/again whatever is a fucking idiot. And his dick is small. Aaaand he probably smells bad too. Plus his house is ugly. Who picked this color?
Anyway, my point is that sometimes a new band pops out, out of nowhere, and destroys the system, amazes us with a new approach at music and goes big. For me it was Pathfinder or Babymetal, even Alestorm back in the day was a great surprise with a fresh idea. Those bands usually have a big problem with follow ups, people are so amazed by their first album that they usually start hating on the next one even if it's as good as the first one or better than any work by similar artist.

But there is a case when a band after their first success decides to release a crap

( I know it's from their third album, not the second one, whatever)

. Thus hereby I shall call them Crapus from this day now. Don't get me wrong, they were never big, but it was a surprisingly fresh approach in 2011-2012 to folk music with metalcorish vocals and nice clean ones. Songs were pretty complex (mostly catchy songs so never like Wintersun-complex) and their fanbase was nice and strong.
But it seems our italian friends were not happy with this. As b0ss Franku says:

So they decided to water down the folk part of their music to, I have no idea actually, attract more teenage girls for their small italian dicks? Their second release was quite bad but still passable "now with 50% less folk! and 100% more crap" and the new one is just terrible. I like how they brag that they released it without any label help. My guess is that no label wanted to be partially resposible for this :P Anyway, the fans are pissed off and start to leave while bitching a lot. I was never a fan but bitching a lot is what I do so thanks Crapus for getting me material to write about :P

Do I hate this song? No. It's poppy, I like(d) pop. Shines like an emerald like rainbow in the sky, whatever. But compare the views of their first album music video on yt and views of their new works. Math is hard, I know

I should stop bitching for now, they are not worth my time. So why do I give a shit? Because like with every band that goes the wrong direction (cough, cough, Sonata, cough) I STILL HAVE HOPE

Ok, enough with the pics for now :P

Monday, 20 October 2014


So, I've been sick as dicks for over a week now and it's not getting better, if anything it's getting worse. So I used my best medicine today, buying 3 Kalmah albums at once even though I REALLY should have kept that money for November gigs.


The first melodic death metal band I found (thanks to Dizztah retarded videos that sadly are not online anymore)

Without it, I wouldn't find Wintersun, Swallow The Sun, Insomnium, Norther, Silent Hell, Dreamshade or Moonsorrow. Hell, I wouldn't even know Pathfinder since I found them out by commenting under Swallow The Sun video. Way over 40% of the music I listen to is thanks to Kalmah's wonderful and enchanting Moon of My Nights. And yet I didn't have a single cd of theirs. So I fixed it.

I am a son of winter and stars, born under the sonic sign when stars were aligned. I am a shadow of the dying sun, I stand burning in it's shadow, I faced the darkness eye to eye. But first I was just a little creature living in a swamp.

Monday, 29 September 2014

Those really weird times

So I got back from Budapest, Bulgaria and got myself a nice cd for my nameday, Dragonforce Maximum Something. I played just the tracks I knew earlier, Defenders and The Game and I leave the rest for later, I know it will be good.

What the fuck has happened in those few years?

I start to hate Sonata Arctica and I like Dragonforce? If I would go back through time to meet the young me he would kick my ass for it "Are You shitting me, punk? Didn't You hear Unia? Fuck You, I'm killing myself so I won't become You"

Damn, sometimes my thoughts scare me ._.

Oh well, screw SA for now. They are sad. Let's focus on DF now.

Why was I hating the band? It was always a very technical band with crazy guitar solos and a massive fanbase because of their song getting to Guitar Hero. The fanbase was a real pain in my ass as it was just a bunch of kids not knowing much about power metal in general (I think I even heard them saying dumb shit like Edguy being just a shitty copy of DF), just like a fanbase of every band loved by kids, Slipknot, Nightwish, Slayer, Metallica, Nirvana, BFMV, BVB and other. When it comes to band and their music alone it was irritating to many power metal fans, most of their music were solos, just showing off how talented they were. It's not a bad thing, but it's a damn music, the finest form of art, food for soul, not a fucking gym "look at me, ma, my dick grew 0,1 cm since my last album!"


Yes, solos are important. And yes, it's a very good thing to show how talented You are, but most of the time DF solos were out of place, too long and all over the place. Listen to any Galneryus album, solos are also very focused on but as You dig into emotions behind the music You can see that it all fits, the music gets more and more tense to the very top and then solo breaks like an orgasm after a faster and more passionate fucking. DF just prefered to jizz everywhere with their music cocks.

Is it just me or am I missing something in my life? :'(

+ they sucked live. HARD. I know that mistakes are hard to avoid but damn, ZP sucked live with his voice (so basically he sucked with his mouth. Oh god, my jokes and ANALogies are getting worse and worse every second -____- ). Now it's a way different story, with Marc on vocals. Do I like his voice? Kinda. Do I think he is better than ZP? Maybe. Am I his die hard fan? Nah. But he's good, 7/10. Good lookin'. Would fuck.

Waitwha-anyway, with those last 2 albums with Marc I can see the band growing up. Not really slowing down but The Power Within was a Marc test drive, with many songs quite simmilar and fast but not so solo packed and the main jewels were actually slower tempo songs, Seasons and Cry Thunder. Now I must say that Defenders from their new album is really a song that I like , it has tempo changes, not bad lyrics, a bit of progressive touch, nice sounding rhythm guitar, good solos and perfect drums (a bit too fast tho but still awesome).

So yeah, way to go DF, welcome to the world of a real power metal :) You guys have a lot of skill, experience and I'm really glad to hear decent stuff from You.and can't wait to see You guys on the road again :)

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Death Sentence?

Ok, so I've seen some people commenting that they should restore death sentence to pedophiles, child murderers and so on. While normally I see killing people as a pretty harmless hobby with a lot of healthy movement involved this however got me thinking if it's a good idea. A goverment, a country, a society being a final judge of someone's life. A collective that decides whenever You should be alive or not. As a metalhead I was physically and verbally attacked by people , also called a satanist. A majority of people thinks I'm something bad. While I'm not quite known of killing and raping children ), I still kinda think, taking under consideration a fact that a majority of people are fucking retarded ("look how dumb an average person is, and realize that half of them is even more stupid!" ), that a country shouldn't ever go back into killing people and calling it justice. But I also think that those rapists shouldn't be comfy in their prisons for the rest of their lives, it's a waste of food and space, also I think a revenge is a nice thing and parents of the raped/killed children shouldn't be unable to have some. So, a solution is quite simple- those rapists should me marked as "persona non grata extreme". They would be outcasts, unable to get any help or resources from their country and everyone would have a right to kill them if they wanted without any repercussions (aside maybe being forced to clean the body after).Everyone who would be angry that those people are still alive would have a free hand to torture and kill the bastards, also it would be way cheaper for the country this way :) No posts about music, sorry, I'm on vacation :D

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Album of the year 2014

Yea, it's still 5 months to the end of 2014, but I've already decided. Year ago it was Omnium Gatherum's "Beyond" to me, even though I made it clear it's the Melodeath album of the year, with Stratovarius taking Power Metal scene and Finntroll taking folk side. But overall the most listened to album was OGs.

This year it's Babymetal "Babymetal". If it's weird to You just listen to it, try not thinking about all the hate those guys and girls get and open Your mind a bit. It's a masterpiece, both in mixing and production, all songs are catchy, the guy which arranged them on the album was a genius- we have a shitload of hit songs and still they managed to place them in an order of an awesome album- You won't be bored by listening to the whole thing.

Don't think about it as a specyfic genre metal, there are many pop and j-pop elements, usually one song bows to other genres like hip hop, dubstep, reggae and typical anime soundtracks. We have all mixes of metal, I can clearly hear many power metal elements, heavy metal, progressive metal, even symphonic and death metal. Oh, and it's worth to mention about 90% songs is catchy as fuck, hell, shit, cuntjuice and others. Really, it will drill Your head with "heado-bang" and other weird sounds you have no idea how to write down but know how to sing.

Favourite song from the album? Well, impossible to choose for me, but I think most live shows show that Headbanger is nr. 1.

Oh, and I wanna thank the band behind the music of Babymetal- girls are awesome but the guys are talented and skilled beyond my expectations, and I watched enough live shows to notice these guys are a real deal (not the skeletons, they are only a visual fake band, I'm talking about mental patients :P ).
Ok, Galneryus guys are better, and I wish the world will notice one day.

Lyrics? Yeah, a bit simplistic, that's the charm. Omnium didn't have very deep lyrics too. So yeah, sod off.

Score? If You care enough- ok! 100% . Yes, more than Wintersun's Wintersun had from me. Haters gonna hate.

Just joking, not as good, some songs were only "fucking awesome", not "musical blowjobs awesome" so 96%. But for getting the metal scene so alive and fucking with so many genres without a condom they deserve a 100%, I'm just not as generous as You think :P

Rhod out, drunk as fuck, shout out to Grolsch beer, I had many too many

Saturday, 5 July 2014


Kinda not in the mood to write on blog, sorry :) Also a bit busy. A small pic I made :P

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Cd boost, part II

And yea, still drunk :P But this time just for a better bashing to awesome Skalmold. I know since 2011 that they are awesome, but now I bought their all cds and just finished the 9th listening to Baldur, their first album. You may ask how much can You add to the viking death metal we all heard to this point. The answer is surprisingly: a fucking lot. It's fresh, it's folky, has some amazing intros to songs and it is brutal as fuck. The language is a very interesting part, since it sounds like a more melodic german but I can't understand a single word. It's a typical language you expect from vikings but still can be sung very melodic when needed, probably by some viking bard :P   I need to turn Born Loka on, but it's so hard to stop listening to Baldur, gonna finish this post later :)

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Darker side of my heart

There is a part of me, somewhere deep within that fuels my sorrow and despair. I hold it back on a daily basis, but this time I let it loose. Because, as a part of me, it loves music, and needs it badly to live. I won't let a part of me die, will I? Gothic metal, like Charon or the above, Lacrimas Profundere is what it needs. I've just met that band, I have no idea what are their next songs. Will I find out? Only the time will tell :)

Friday, 13 June 2014

Cd boost

So I just added over 10 cds to my collection and I'm making a music orgasm marathon now, so let me say a few words about arrived records while I give them their first listen. I never review cds after first listen, but these observations can be quite useful to me later when I give them a proper listen and compare with fresh listening :) One should always check evolution of their opinion over time ;)

Alestorm- Leviathan EP

A 4 piece ep from Alestorm, I thought it will be quite boring because I own their entire discography but I was kindly surprised- the Leviathan song on this record is quite different from the album one, focusing more on riffs than epic background, me gusta! Wolves of the Sea is the only known song, still awesome but I overlistened it once so it's not making my dick grow anymore. Weiber und Wein is a german version of Wenches and Mead, very fresh sound for me, a lot of fun to listen to a german pirate scottish accent xD. And finally the heavy metal pirates, which blows minds with riffs, as I remember it was a cover song, never heard the original but the cover is totally awesome, nice good old vocals :)

Alestorm Live At The End Of The World

Aside of too silent vocals the show was tfufahfakjfweafhwwfuiu, my score is banana/4,5 and "oy got me drunk sehr gut, da!"

gonna finishwhen i soberap, to be contununed

Sunday, 8 June 2014


So, you wanna get into metal, you heard some songs and you love them. But how can You find more? In older times it was a serious issue, now with the Internet everything is so simple that we don't even bother learning anymore. Nevermind, I'm gonna provide You with a few ways to discover more metal music, some are obvious, some are even more than obvious, but maybe You will find out something You haven't before.

Most obvious place to discover music is Youtube, place where musician lose the most money and you assholes upload their music for free. I fucking despise every music uploader on Youtube, but that's a subject for another rant. It's out there, poorly tagged but you can find there things  that You love but don't know about yet. , spotify and other sites like that are another example, they provide some music for free and suggest a similar bands to those you like, I like the idea but myself I don't use it.

music magazines are quite an interesting idea but they don't work in Poland- music critics are fucking narrow-minded and full of hatred, they won't resist shitting on a good band just because they didn't like a single song. But if you read some magazines and you like them then it's a great way to discover more music- just don't take their opinions too seriously, I did with Children of Bodom last album and I regret buying it :P

radio- maybe in some countries, I had no good experience with it so don't bother, they don't care about exploring music, they just wanna bring more audience and make more money as radio these days is slowly dying.

and now I will give out some of my favourite ways of discovering music.

Depending on more experienced, open-minded and intelligent people - As we all know I am a short-fused idiot, so I depend on some others to find a good music and convince me enough to check it out. One reviewer has my total attention in this manner, Cover Killer Nation , also know personally as Mark Layne Horvath. This guy's face never shuts up, he keeps making videos about new releases, important matters in metal music and also touches some other genres. While he rages here and there and hates some bands he keeps his mind open and usually gives a good point. Also, he has some talent in great speeches and you can just feel his passion towards music. He works in a music store, and so I couldn't resist but to make this meme about him :P

one of the most popular metal reviewers is Infidel Amsterdam , or Ed Veter. He talks mostly about Death Metal and is known for promoting bands on a way bigger scale than CKN (he has like 5 times more subscribers), but he doesn't make nearly as many videos as CKN. Still, he is very open-minded and doesn't judge bands or fans, at least he really tries to be as calm about the subject as he can :) not like CKN who rages over Taylor Swift and other poor artists :P

There are probably plenty of people worth listening to (me included xD ) but these 2 are the only one I have a great load of respect for :)

Live shows

Many bands support the live shows of artists that you like so attend to as many gigs as you can and you are bound to find a music you love. I found out my favourite band by going to my previous favourite band gig and it's probably one of the oldest methods of discovering new metal music :) also my personal favourite.


Well, if you like some people that are worthy of being called your friends it means they have something inside them that keeps them arround you, right? I've discovered some wonderful music by listening to my friends, and I always show my appreciation and gratitude for it. For some reasons I feel much better talking about music with girls rather than boys, I guess it's more simple for girls to approach music much more emotionally and with passion than male fucks. Still, I have some male friends, mostly musicians, who can be a great source of awesome music :)


Also I find chicks digging metal really hot. There, I said it.

and my personal, radical, random cd pickups

yea, it happens a few times per year, I pick a random artist that interested me in a music store, be it because of the cd price, great cover art, interesting/funny band name or some other reasons. Usually I have no idea how does the music sound like, I rarely even figure out the genre. This way I discovered Norther or Powerwolf, so in the end it was totally worth it. I will keep doing it, because spending money on music is never a waste for me :) well, ok, Children of Boredom, I know. Need to burn that cd. And no, not with ashampoo burning studio. More like gasoline, matches. Fire of hell perhaps. Who knows.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Unrelated #1: Manga and anime

Yea, for a fucking nerd that I am, pathetic trash of this universe that should be flushed with all the rest of the filth... Whoa, stop it.

I like video games, role-playing games, pokemon in all forms, Dragon Ball is more important to me than god and I even play Minecraft a bit. So yea, You can call me a nerd. But tell me- how many nerds listen to Omnium Gatherum, are talkative retards to girls and can beat the living shit out of You? Judging me by my looks is one of the worst mistakes you can make, I'm actually a depraved sociopath, potential rapist and homicidal. But I try to fit in this society, so I keep my worst side on hold :P Anyway, call me what You want, like I would care anyway. I'm not 13 years old anymore, even mentally (arround 15-16 I guess?)

So, intro is out, let's talk about anime!

I don't watch anime.

This changed arround 6 months ago when I watched Hellsing Ultimate, all 10 episodes, and recently I watched 25 episodes of Attack On Titan.

The reason I don't watch anime on a daily basis is the same why I don't watch any tv series or shows- it's very hard for me. I'd rather watch a 3 hour movie than 9 * 20 min episodes of something. This is why I didn't watch any episode of Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad or any other thing 70% of people on this planet advised me to watch. Also, this is a reason I didn't watch Full Metal Alchemist the anime, or new ediions of Dragonball and Pokemon (still, pokemon anime is the worst thing in this franchise- manga is totally different, more adult, badass, awesome and emotional). When I was 5-7 I watched Dragon Ball and this show was really a thing that is a fundament of my life :D

Hellsing Ultimate was different thing. It was so awesome, dark, brutal, well made and animated that I had no choice, short adventures of a vampire king and fighting with vampire nazis? It was hard for me but I watched all episodes, and just to stay interested I did it in one go. Attack on Titan is quite simillar, when I learned of Eren, the protagonist it really blew me off. I don't know why, but I just love people driven by hatred, vengence and anger, almost to the point of loosing their own mind, and the anime cought that feeling perfectly.

I like manga, but only when the idea is interesting to me, I didn't read like 200* mangas and even advising me to read one is usually a bad idea because I usually don't care enough to check it out. Only my sister has an impact on my manga reading, because she buys them. I strongly avoid reading manga online, as I wanna support the artist just like I do with music, I even went as far as buying 8 Detroit Metal City books, which cost a small fortune -_-'  My favourite manga is Dragon Ball, because it seems I was born to be its fan, I love everything there is to love in it and you won't find a better specialist than me in it. Second is I guess Attack On Titan, hard to say comparing to Full Metal Alchemist which was the second one to me earlier. I also love Detroit Metal City and that's pretty much it. The only manga I read entirely online was the pokemon adventures, but it's near impossible to get it here. And I strongly advice to read it if you like pokemon games but not the terrible anime. Same with Detroit Metal City, it's wicked and awesome, and about metal music. Which I should be talking about, not this crap.

I'm sorry.

The reason You should watch anime and read manga is simple. There are TeamFourStar which make a living of making parodies of it. You know, if it was poorly made I would rage and rain hell on them for fucking with my beloved Dragon Ball, Hellsing Ultimate or Attack on Titan. But those guys ARE the real deal. I would even go as far as saying that these parodies are the main reason I use the Internet on a daily basis. Check them out if You haven't yet. It's an order.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Feel what I feel?

This is about a situation I had a few months ago, when I lost my passion towards music.

Ok, I had a problem. I found a song that was very confusing to me, I didn't know if I should like it or hate it. It made me wonder, think, I had to listen to it a lot to make it clear. And then it came to me. It doesn't matter if I like it or not- a simple song made me alive again, made me interested in what I was hearing, refreshed my passion towards music and made me the person I was before. It is amazing, it was fascinating and overall I can't thank Gotthard enough for recording the song. I don't like their other songs, I never really bothered with the band,

The song is a pop-not-even-metal song, more like a rock song. It has a "sexy dude with a sexy voice" so it's clearly made for fangirls. Aand it's about love. This is a part that tells me to hate the song, my inner metal viking, bringer of destrucion, fire and marshmallows.


I can't just help thinking that it's a very well made song. From the beginning to the end there is nothing wrong with it, everything fits the rest perfectly. It doesn't have some over the top skilled musicians but they deliver an instrumental masterpiece, where every guitar riff and drum blast is connected to fit a bigger picture. And for vocals- guy has a great sense of keeping his voice as interesting as it is and the lyrics are perfectly written, even though the idea is a bit flat the chorus isn't "i love you, love me please, i will keep you safe, yeyeye" but "say that it's fate, say that it's real, say I'm a dream and that You feel what I feel. Don't say I'm sleeping, don't let it end, don't wake me up, I'll never find you again" . I don't know, maybe I listen to Babymetal too much but for me it's a perfect chorus for a love song (OK, INSOMNIUM IS WAY BETTER IN REVELATION, I'M SORRY MY INNER VIKING, ODIN SHALL PUNISH THE VERY FUNDAMENTS OF MY EXISTENCE!)

ahem.. so yeah, Feel What I Feel. From Gotthard... A nice, strange music video. Also. Huh.

End of reposts

Ok, that took a while but I'm done, hopefully I will add some new content soon, but for now I'm done :) I'm glad I managed to get all my shit in one place, I will try to fix the background a bit but it looks not bad for me, it actually was supposed to look like that :D

Repost #15: New top 10 bands, right?

My old top 10 bands where they are all actually equal was
0. Titanium
1. Sonata Arctica
2. Delain
3. Alestorm
4. Trollfest
5. Wintersun
6. Turisas
7. Pathfinder
8. Galneryus
9. Stratovarius
10. Powerwolf

With Dio. Charon and Norther being unofficial nr 11, 12 and 13 respectively as those bands are sadly no more.

Since during those last 4 years I've been sinking more and more into Melodic Death Metal I have to update this list, as some bands mentioned have gone through some serious changes and the music they are now making applies more or less to my personal taste. Since I don't want to be too cruel as a critic I'm not gonna kick any of bands on top 10 but expand the list to 13 and shift some places to show which band did progress over another

New top 13
0. Titanium
1. Delain
2. Trollfest
3. Wintersun
4. Alestorm
5. Insomnium
6. Omnium Gatherum
7. Galneryus
8. Stratovarius
9. Turisas
12.Sonata Arctica 1996-2009

A few comments:

Pathfinder coming from 7 to 10 simply because the band is almost dead since the premiere of Fifth Element, I still never saw them live and it's been almost 2 years since the second album.

Turisas coming from 6 to 9 because the last album wasn't so great, still the band is awesome as always, and they rocked on their first headliner show in Poland.

Stratovarius going to 8 from 9. Well, I would love to switch their place with Galneryus, but both bands are representing the best there is in Power Metal and their last albums are both breaking through the limits of musical perfection in this genre. Still, I prefer the japanese band as it's members are ALL. EXTREMELY. SKILLED.

Galneryus was actually covered with Strato, next.
Insomnium and Omnium Gatherum are newcomers to my top 10. Swallow The Sun and Kalmah are awesome too but STS is way too dark to call it my personal favourite from hundreds of bands that I like and Kalmah is... Well, not as complex with lyrics and subjects it's touching.. Kalmah is very close to my top list but I just don't see it here.
It was a hell to me to place Insomnium over Omnium Gatherum as I consider OG a band a bit superior. In the end the lyrics and vocals won over OG, as Insomnium has an amazing lyrics in their both last albums, Still, OG is the most listened to band for me in those last 2 years and I think it won't change in months.

Alestorm switching places with Trollfest- well, Trollfest keeps making awesome music year after year and even with their fanbase expanding these guys are not slowing down. Alestorm on the other hand is nothing more than it was, and I fear it's a bit worse then it was back in 2011 with vocals going downhill fast.

Wintersun coming to 3rd place- well, quite self-explanatory, isn't it? Why not nr. 1? Well, it's a secret :)

Delain coming first- well, the band is still evolving, even though their 3rd album wasn't anything special to me I was able to spot the difference from April Rain and I think that with Human Contradiction they will really show how much they have evolved. It's a band I know for over 5 years and I witnessed the band changing from a small project/support band to a big name on the Symphonic Metal scene. And yes, still, after 5 god damn years it's still the only symphonic metal band which I like and can listen to without falling asleep or throwing the cd out of the window. And trust me, I tried a lot of different symphonic bands, Epica isn't epic, shut up. Without Temptation doesn't make my eyes open, I wish Daywish would disband so Marco can go back to Tarot, After Forever better should call themselves Never Again, Apocalyptica is just an apocalypse of music taste. Avantasia should stop making music so we can have more Eduy activity and I will stop here because we didn't even go to "S" where the real shit rains from the sky.

And that's all I guess. Sonata is going into a trash can, and now I will call them Sonata Arctica -2009. While I love Elias Viljanen i still think the direction the band is taking is because Jani is no more in SA, he was the only person who had some influence on Tony and was trying to steer the wheel of band direction.

And that's it, another boring post about my music taste that no one cares about. I'm glad that there's still some music that I have to listen to and the bands I respect are still making more and more beautiful music for me. I thank You, my favourite bands. Yes, even a thanks to Sonata Arctica. For being what You were one day and showing me the way of Power Metal. I hope I can go to one of Your gigs and see Sonata Arctica playing like 10 years ago.




"Hello Michal !
Thank You for buying my debut EP, Know Thyself!
I'm really glad you like my music enough to pay for it. This really means something to me.
I hope You will enjoy the little gifts I left in the envelope. You probably wonder what this small bottle is, and what is inside.
My homeland, which is called "Limousin", is known in France as the place where the last French-origin wolves disappeared decades ago.
There is a forest in the mountains surrounding my hometown where I like to walk. This is a very lively place, full of deers, foxes, and wild boars.
Every time I was stuck during the composition of Know Thyself, I went to these woods and found inspiration. I was just singing my song and eventually new melodies came out.
The small bottle contains some ground from this forest . I don't know if it will bring you creativity and determination as it did to me, but at least consider it as a mark of respect to one of the first persons who supported me.
With all my heart,
Thank You!



Repost #13 Genre Advertising: Folk Metal!

This might be my best article ever

Are You depressed by all this new music that comes out in these modern days? Weak music, made by weak people that grew up in a concrete filled world- these people wouldn't survive a minute in a forest. Hell, most of them have a forestophobia, a fear of the trees! Go outside and listen to the sound of primitive nature, buried under our world. Can't You hear it? Me either, the sound drowns in a milion sounds of today's world.

Thankfully God gave the nature tools to break through these sounds- an electric guitar, drums and a raspy voice.

Welcome to the world of Folk Fucking Metal !

Do You feel grossed by my words? Are You not ready for this? Well, listen to some Elvenking , it should be ok for a gay pantsy like You -_- 1% folk included

Or are You manly enough to take a hard hit? Here is my favourite Trollfest with the hardest shit that managed to push out of their Nörvëgiän äßß

 Is it bleeding from Your ears now? Here, have some booze to ease the pain. Boozemasters from Korpiklaani are what You need!

 Don't You like vodka? A wpierdol byś chciał? Good folk from Polska, Percival Schuttenbach !

Still not interested? Well, maybe now we will try something more...piratish? Alestorm.

Ok, enough of this salty water and sand, back to the vikings and things we love in Folk so much. Skalmold, with some serious viking stuff

That's a manly music for You, don't You feel the urge to grab a sword and rush to battle? No? Man, do You seriously need another motivational song to move Your ass? -_- That's what I was talking about people nowadays, pussies, giving up before even starting. Come here child, listen what Mathias is talking about here.

Ladies and gentlemen, Turisas!

 Ready now? Grab a sword then. Ensiferum

 After the battle enjoy free time, maybe pimp Your car in a way You've never thought about before? Vreth, drop the bass! Finntroll

Or just go swimming :) Metsatöll

Or do what we folk metals do on a daily basis- wall of death in a free time :P Arkona

Ok, as You can see Folk Metal is mostly european. But hey, we can add some oriental elements too :) Wintersun

Krampus knows what will happen when we will no longer be able to hear Mother Earth voice. So do Yourself a favor and listen to them..

oh, can't You hear what is he talking about with his harsh voice? Well, Mother Earth's voice has changed because of our industrialisation. But listen closely and You will hear the words. Grai

I could also say a word about Varg or Radogost but I think I said enough. Folk Metal is a very diverse subgenre of music, both rough and delicate, about killing people and saving the ecosystem.

Repost #12: Genre advertising- Melodic Death Metal!

Do You feel that Your current music isn't good enough anymore?
 Do You want melodic and technical solos without the gayness of Power Metal and Dragonforce fans?
Do You want to make satan happy but You can't stand harshness and the lack of melody in Death and Black Metal?

Don't worry, here's the solution- listen to Melodic Death Metal!

Are You an american teenager mad at Your parents and girls that don't want to date You? Try Children of Boredom (I will be so badly hated for this :P )

Do You like metalcore but you are sick of talentless emo shitty bands? Try Dreamshade !

Are you resistent towards shitty lyrics and crappy vocals or can't You understand English in general (who is reading this to you then? -_- )? Try last Norther album!

Do You like lion king and want to hear him sing death metal? try Insomnium!

Don't you like all the fame and glory Apocalyptica gets for nothing from their retarded fans? Spam their fanpages with Kalmah!

Is your inner viking hungry for glorious death? Try Amon Amarth and hail asator!

Are You so happy and rainbow-pumped with Power Metal that you need to change into suicidal blues mood? Try Swallow The Sun!

Wanna chill with Progressive Melodic Death Reggae Metal? Omnium Gatherum is for You!

And finally- want something better than boobs? Here comes the Wintersun ;)

I hope no one took it seriously :P

Repost #11: a really short one

This is mostly for people outside of Poland as this song is rather known here :) Perfect is an old Polish rock band, they are singing in polish so it's quite normal that the song isn't famous outside of our country. Still, this is my favourite ever song in polish and I think it deserves a lot more attention :)

I've translated the lyrics, not 100% correct but y'all know how it is.. Even the title is quite impossible to translate correctly- once again? again and again? once after once? Maybe I just suck in english :P

Each of us has his own path
trodden and proven for years
sometimes a thought can't let me sleep
who goes sideways?
who goes sideways?

when I want to be green
warm a house with a sun and drink the rain
then a thought gets to me
Who wants
to fight for a better world?

once again they threaten us
saying straight that it's the finale
a year, maybe five and the comets rain
unless the burly head makes a mistake
and the curtain instead of falling down
goes upward

maybe I ate a different bread
maybe used to read wrong books
I look at the screen and still I ask
is the world upside down
our only contribution?

once again they threaten us
that our order is passing
because we are all the evil, blood and sweat
I think I have a better sight, a good plan is growing
again, we are connected by the rainbow bridge

when I think about it in my head I'm confused
Should I laugh or tear my hair?
I hear the music and my body is dancing
and I can go on forever like that

once again they threaten us
saying straight that it's the finale
a year, maybe five and the comets rain
unless the burly head makes a mistake
and the curtain instead of falling down
goes upward to the stars

once again they threaten us
that our order is passing
because we are all the evil, blood and sweat
I think I have a better sight, a good plan is growing
again, we are connected by the rainbow bridge

Each of us has his own path
trodden and proven for years

Repost #10: 4 random guitarists

Just spreading a word about people I love to listen to, not that some of these names need more recognition, but a little more won't hurt, right?

1. Barymetallon

First one is pretty much inactive these days, but a true Kalmah fan with 18 videos-song covers. He is the man responsible for my love towards Kalmah, as thanks to him I was able to see clearly guitarwork in Kalmah songs. Here's my personal favourite, Heroes to Us

2. Garrett Peters

Covering a shitload of solos, also responsible for my deep love towards Winter Madness- listening to this amazing solo is one thing but seeing it is just mind-blowing

3. Nif Riffs

No covers here, just original, fresh songs packed with melodic death metal guitars. We will definitely hear more about his music soon, songwriting here is top notch. I wish he would find a vocalist that would match his music but seriously, is there somebody good enough for the job? I don't think so. HIS CD IS AWESOME, AND I WROTE ABOUT IT IN REPOST LATER

4. 331Erock

And of course, super obvious one that needs no more attention, I guess.. of course he killed his own legend by talking on one video as he was known as a silent, smiling dark knight :P

Not only an amazing guitar player but a genius when it comes to remaking songs into metal versions. I've heard a shitload of metal versions of songs but no one is even close to Erock, not a single band like Ensiferum, Pathfinder, Trollfest, Norther, Children of Bodom can cover songs like Erock. Period.

Repost #9 : Metal from Japan

Well, "metal" is a very loose title here, more like "music with metal elements" because japanese have a very flexible approach to music genres. So all this is mixed with j-rock and visual key

Galneryus, an awesome and extremely talented Power Metal band :) I've been their fan for years now and I think it's musicians are skilled like Wintersun guys :) They've been changing their vocalist a few years ago so lets give them both some attention :)

Babymetal- a very fresh approach to metal world, mixing power metal elements (very good ones) with pop music and ... loli dancing? Yea, whatever- very weird shit but highly energetic + their live shows are totally awesome :D Haters gonna hate, otakus gonna fap, for me it has a rich music background + a lot of power, me gusta :3

Maximum The Hormone - uhh, yea...


Skywings- oh how I love good power metal :3

Deluhi- I will never say another bad word about visual key if some bands play like this :D

Animetal- well, we should mention this legend ;)

And others :) Some music made for crappy movies is also awesome, example below ;)

Repost #8: Thought leftovers

I saw this picture and I couldn't resist posting it here :D
Which brings me to the subject- I'm TIRED of hearing some people say "I was a metalhead once but.." and before I get any further- I know some people who used to listen to metal, stopped and found love to other pieces of music, that's perfectly fine. I'm refering to people much younger than me, with clearly no deeper knowledge about music in general- I've met some of them, 90% were girls talking about Metallica and Korn.. WOW, YOU'VE REALLY EXPLORED WHOLE MUSICAL HORIZONS NOW, DIDN'T YOU?

You were not a metalhead :) Knowing handful of bands, dressing like an emo whore and burning a cat doesn't make a person more metal.

Wanna be a metalhead? First You need to feel the noize ;)

Then appreciate that You are alive and free :)

Spread the word about music that needs more attention like I do now :P

And explore metal music, You may find very strange stuff there but it's worth discovering ;)

Repost #7 UPDATED : a list of gigs I've been to

Yup, a second post for me, I keep forgetting what bands I saw live so there's a list. I have a feeling I forgot something

Edit: god damn Deep Purple :P


Drugi post pisany głównie dla mnie jako że zapominam ile zespołów widziałem na żywo. Chyba czegoś zapomniałem -_- edit: dobra, chyba wszystko jest teraz :)

-Perfect 2008 Gdynia

-Sonata Arctica & Delain & Winterborn 2009 in Klubben, Stockholm

-The Prodigy 2010 in Stodoła, Warszawa

-Delain & Serenity 2011 in Stodoła, Warszawa
-Heidenfest 2011 (Finntroll & Turisas & Alestorm & Arkona & Trollfest & Skalmold) in Progresja, Warszawa


-Delain & Trillium & Halcyon Way 2012 in Progresja, Warszawa
-Amon Amarth 20th Birthday 2012 in Progresja, Warszawa
-Heidenfest 2012 (Krampus & Varg & Trollfest & Korpiklaani & Wintersun) in Studio, Kraków
-Sonata Arctica & Battle Beast 2012 in Progresja, Warszawa
-Dragonforce & Chain Reaction 2012 in Ucho, Gdynia
-X-mass Noize Night VII (Dead Goats, Thaw, Belzebong, Blindead) 2012 in Ucho, Gdynia


-Kabanos Akustycznie 2013 in Blues Club, Gdynia
-Korpiklaani & Metsatoll & Percival Shuttenbach 2013 in Parlament, Gdańsk
-King Diamond & Alastor & Hellectricity 2013 in Hala Koło, Warszawa
-Llama 2013 in Infinum, Gdańsk
-Deep Purple & Kruk 2013 in Hala Stulecia, Wrocław
-Coke Live Music Festival 2013 (Mela Koteluk, Brodka, Biffy Clyro, Marika & Spokoarmia, The Cribs, Tres B, Florence And The Machine )
-Spirit of the old gods festival in Klub Ucho, Gdynia (Radogost, Grai, Percival Shuttenbach, In Extremis)
-Kabanos & Zacier in Klub Ucho, Gdynia
-Behemoth & Obscure Sphinx & Thaw in Klub B90, Gdańsk


-Percival in Dom Zarazy, Gdańsk
-Turisas & Starkill & Morhana in Klub Kwadrat, Kraków
-"Kabanos in Klub Parlament" RUM AND WHISKY INSTEAD!!! BEST. GIG. EVER!
-Amon Amarth in Klub B90, Gdańsk
-Titanium & Altaris & Lux Perpetua in Klub Mechanik, Warszawa
-Folkowa Noc Kupały (Rum, Rod, Euterpe) in Klub Ucho, Gdynia
-Made of Metal festival (Pathfinder & Titanium only,backstage party) in Hodonin, Czech Republic
-Cieszanów Rock Festival   I ran away before Arkona and Korpiklaani played
- Insomnium, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Stam1na at Klub Kwadrat, Kraków
-Folk Metal Crusade (Rum & Grai) in Klub Wydział Remontowy, Gdańsk
-Titanium & Thermit & V-twin in Między Muzami, Kalisz


-Delain&Battle Beast&Sabaton&Frontside Warszawa
-Hit n Run & Gemini Abyss Łódź
-Sonata Arctica [couldn't perform] & Freedom Call & Twilight Force in Klub Progresja, Warszawa
-Pathfinder & Sonus Vena in Jan Hertog Live Club, Maasmechelen, Belgium
-Pathfinder & Sonus Vena & Amon Sethis in Relais du Vieux Comté" à Mourcourt, Tournai, Belgium
-Freedom Call & Pathfinder & Wisdom & Titanium at Zgierz City of Power
-Percival Schuttenbach & Etenmoor in Klub Ucho, Gdynia
-Pathfinder & Titanium in Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury, Ostrów Wielkopolski
-Pathfinder & Titanium & Hit n Run at Gardłoryki festival in Nowe Miasto Nad Wartą (Poznań)
-Sonata Arctica & Dragony in some club in Vienna
- AC/DC and Vintage Trouvle at Stadion Narodowy, Warszawa
- Netherfell&Grai at Wydział Remontowy, Gdańsk
- Netherfell&Valkenrag&Skyforger&Metsatoll&Ensiferum at Klub Kwadrat, Kraków
- Divine Ascension&Gloryhammer&Stratovarius at Klub Fabryka, Kraków
- Delain & Gentle Storm & Amberian Down at Klub Progresja, Warsaw (VIP)
- Skalmold & Eluveitie at Klub B90, Gdańsk
- Lacrima & Admirion & Wolfheart & Swallow The Sun at Klub Proxima, Kraków
- Arkona & Heidevolk & Metsatoll at Klub B90, Gdańsk


-Powerwolf & Battle Beast at Klub B90, Gdańsk
-Powerwolf & Battle Beast at Klub Progresja, Warszawa
-Helloween&Rage&Crimes of Passion at Klub Progresja, Warszawa
-Thermit & V-Twin in Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury, Ostrów Wielkopolski
- Tuska Open Air 2016 in Helsinki, Finland (Avantasia, Ghost, Omnium Gatherum, Swallow The Sun, Stam1na, Cain's Offering, Delain, Battle Beast, Stam1na)
- Titanium in Klub Fanaberia, Ostrów Wielkopolski
- Dragonhammer & Titanium & Iron Savior at Zgierz City of Power 2016, Zgierz
- Heidevolk & Equilibrium in Klub Progresja, Warszawa
- Delain & Evergay in Klub Progresja, Warszawa
- Skalmold & Korpiklaani in Klub Ucho, Gdynia


- Powerwolf at Klub Progresja, Warszawa
- Hammerfall & Gloryhammer & Lancer at Klub Progresja, Warszawa
- Thobbe Englund at Klub B90, Gdańsk
- Nocny Obsraniec & Zenek at Klub Ucho, Gdynia
- Aerosmith & Beyond The Black at stadion ?, Kraków
- Zgierz City of Power 2017 (Lux Kupa, Civil War, Sunrise)
- Wintersun & Whispered & Black Therapy at Klub Progresja, Warszawa
- Wintersun & Whispered & Black Therapy at Klub B90, Gdańsk
- Blood Brothers at Klub Protokultura, Gdańsk
- Mastodon at Klub B90, Gdańsk
- Omnium Gatherum & Skalmold & Stamina at Klub Kwadrat, Kraków
- Helloween Pumpkins United at Hala Koło, Warszawa
- Scorpions & Nocny Obsraniec at Ergo Arena, Gdańsk


- Titanium at Bar Na Zadupiu, Zadupie Totalne
- Rhapsody & Beast in Black & Scarlet Aura at Proxima, Warszawa
- Orphaned Land & Shitty Supports at Zet Te Pe, Kraków
- Therion & Imperial Age & Null Positiv & The Devil at Progresja, Warszawa
- Insomnium & Tribulation at Progresja, Warszawa
- Kabanos & Ereles at Klub Ucho, Gdynia
- Ensiferum & Ex Deo & Wind Rose at Klub Ucho, Gdynia
- Lux Perpetua & Crimson Valley & Headbanger at Wydział Remontowy, Gdańsk
- Lux Perpetua & White Highway & Victorius at Voodoo Club, Warszawa
- Stay Quiet & Factor8 & some other shit at Wydział Remontowy, Gdańsk
- Arkona & mediocre support at B90, Gdańsk
- Stratovarius & Tarja at B90, Gdańsk
- Powerwolf & Kissin Dynamite & awful Amaranthe at Klub Progresja, Warszawa
- Nightwish & Beast in Black at Tauron Arena, Kraków
- H.E.A.T. & One Desire & Shiraz Lane at Klub Zaścianek, Kraków


- Imperial Age & Ariadne's Thread & Runika & Sacrimonia at Klub Voodoo, Warszawa
- CANCELLED Don Broco & Dreamshade at Klub Proxima, Warszawa. Fuck all of them
- Avatar & The Mahones & Dylan Walshe at Klub Stodoła, Warszawa
- Alestorm & Skalmold & Bootyard Bandits at Klub Kwadrat, Kraków
- Alestorm & Skalmold & Bootyard Bandits at Klub Progresja, Warszawa
- Alestorm & Skalmold & Bootyard Bandits at Klub B90, Gdańsk
- Devin Townsend acoustic intimate stand up at Klub Stodoła, Warszawa
- Lux Perpetua & White Highway at Wydział Remontowy, Gdańsk
- Bandmaid at club LOGO, Hamburg
- Omnium Gatherum & Heidra & some black metal snoozefest at U Bazyla, Poznań
- Beast in Black & Myrath at some shitty club, Wrocław
- Insomnium & Stam1na & Black Dahlia Murder at Klub Kwadrat, Kraków
- Devin Townsend & Haken at A2, Wrocław
- Percival Schuttenbach & Moyra + some shit at Ucho, Gdynia
- Royal Republic & Blackout Problems at Stodoła, Warszawa


- Trollfest and polish fucking disgusting garbage at Klub Progresja, Warszawa
- Equilibrium & Lord of the Lost & Nailed to Obscurity & Percival Schuttenbach (not playing) at Klub Kwadrat, Kraków
- Marko Hietala & Oceanhoarse at A2, Wrocław, pierdolona wrocławska cebulownia chuj im w ryj
- Rhapsody of Fire & Unity & Skeletoon at Klub Progresja, Warszawa
- Percival at Klub Ucho, Gdynia

2020 Live streams because covid:
- Royal Republic
- Harmaja (2 times I think)
- Ensiferum
- Insomnium (2-3 times)
- Omnium Gatherum
- Devin Townsend (few times)
- Cellar Darling

2021 Live streams because covid:
- Avatar Ages (4 streams total)
- Chris Bay
- Materia and some supports in Wydział Remontowy, Gdańsk

probably a few more I forgot

- Devin Townsend & Karate Masters from Wejcherowo at Tauron Arena, Kraków
- Tuska Open Air 2022 (Devin Townsend, Northern Kings, Sonata Arctica, Stratovarius, Insomnium, Omnium Gatherum, Wheel, Amorphis, Beast in Black and several others)
- Persefone (and 2 others) at Hydrozagadka, Warsaw
- Insomnium, Borknagar, Wolfheart and one other at A2, Wrocław (Ultima Ratio Festival)
- Merkfolk and Percival Shitinass at Ucho, Gdynia
- Omnium Gatherum, Fleshgod Apocalypse and Denigrate at Proxima, Warsaw
- THE HU at B90, Gdańsk
- Skalmold, Finntroll and Brymir at Proxima, Warsaw


- Devin Townsend and Fixation and Helsinki's culture house or something like that
- Insomnium and The Abbey (which sucked) at Tavastia, Helsinki
- Electric Callboy, Holding Absence and Future Palace at B90, Gdańsk
- HAKEN, Between the Buried and Me & Cryptodira at 013 club, Tilburg, Netherlands
- Nanowar & Frozen Crown at Hydrozagadka, Warsaw
- Aephanemer & Memoir Sonata at spillestedet stengade, Copenhagen
- Swallow The Sun & Avatarium at Grizzly Drizzly, Gdańsk,
- Vended & Sleep Token & Gojira (and a few others I don't remember names of) at Mystic Festival, Gdansk
- Titanium at Książ Rock Zone
- Blind Guardian & Scardust at Progresja, Warsaw
- Omnium Gatherum & Harakiri for the Sky & Primordial in Ultima Ratio Fest at A2, Wrocław
- Skalmold, Metsatoll & Atavistia in Radio Suflera or whatever, Lublin
- Insomnium, In Mourning & Kvaen at Kamienna12, Kraków
- Lorna Shore at Progresja, Warsaw

- Persefone, Hypno5e, Steller Circut and Lamp3r at 2Progi, Poznań
- Skalmold, Seven Spires and Atavistia at 2Progi, Poznań
- Avatar at Klub Kwadrat, Kraków
- Nanowar of Steel and Trick or Treat at 2Progi, Poznań
- Babymetal, DeathByRomy at Letnia Progresja, Warszawa
- Dragonforce, Nekrogoblicon at Studio, Kraków
- The Hu , Solence at B90, Gdańsk
- Powerwolf, Hammerfall, Wind Rose at Tauron Arena, Kraków